Wednesday, June 16, 2010

happenings - First full day in new city + other

Well I guess the highlight of the past 24 hours was watching 'slugger' play ball last evening. Our 7 year old grandson - the one whose dad is unwell - plays baseball here in Regina. He is one of the team's better hitters. Fielding..well that's another issue - I remember years ago when I coached softball that the largest problem for fielders is to 'PAY ATTENTION'.

Hoping to hear of arrival of furniture soon...............

Well there is a furore over comments by a NDP MP over the Middle East. The Middle East is a 'hot potato' no matter what position one takes. I have previously said I support a two state solution with equal access to all religious sites; and end to Israeli settlements on Palestinian lands (i.e, West Bank), internationalization of Jerusalem, compensation (in negotiated form) for all persons who are refugees, ending incitement on both sides etc. etc. Any alterations in borders can occur with the agreement of both parties.

What really is needed is both sides to recognize the legitimacy of the other's narrative. Regrettably those who tend to speak on this issue demonstrate a lack of recognition.

I also believe the vast majority of residents in Israel and Palestine do wish for a real peace. Only a small minority continue to strive for 'victory'.

1 comment:

  1. Nice to see that you made it safely to your new place of residence. Best of luck to you and your family. Dani
