Thursday, June 10, 2010

Day One of Our Journey

It's about a quarter after 9 in the morning. We have 4 people here to load our stuff in a huge moving truck.. told that the truck when full may have up to 9 loads.

Lead driver wants us to think about earlier delivery at destination than originally planned... unsure if we will agree to that....

It's cloudy today in Ottawa. It's the end of a 7 1/2 year residency in the National Capital Area. What an exciting time to spend in this area. In 7 1/2 years so much of my life has changed. Things occurred here and in Saskatchewan that have profoundly affected my life and that of those closest to me.

We lost a daughter during our stay. Our grandsons quadrupled in number.

I began to know what health challenges can arise all of a sudden. One can appreciate the marvels of PUBLIC health care in Canada when one needs to use it. Beginning in 2003 I was diagnosed with a series of 'aging' conditions... but decided very early to not be upset about them....after all there really is no point in being upset at things you cannot change.

I 'changed' in the 7 1/2 years. Had some unique relationships which I will never forget. Befriended a young woman (now deceased) who had multiple complex issues but never lost her sunny disposition.

I was an active volunteer 'visiting' with folks with various 'challenges' in their lives. Always a challenge in these situations between wanting to 'change the world' and 'accepting things as they are'...sometimes got 'into trouble' being too much of a 'advocate' but usually was welcomed into these situations and life situations.

What started out as a temporary job 7 years ago led to the creation of an income tax preparation business which has now operated for 7 years and provides service to over 300 folks. This business will continue in Saskatchewan.

In a few hours we begin the journey... stay tuned for periodic /regular progress updates.

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